— Monetize Your Platform —

Ready to grow a business around your life, rather than always sacrificing your life for your business? We will coach you on packaging your products and services so that you feel valued for your expertise and your clients are committed to investing the transformation!

Package Your Coaching or Services

“Packaging your coaching will help you feel valued for your expertise and your clients will feel committed to making the transformation!”

If you are like most experts, you have a lot of knowledge and experience to share and you are trying to help a lot people with many different problems. Maybe you are practically giving your expertise away with the low prices you charge because you want as many people to benefit from your knowledge as possible.

If this resonates with you, chances are that you are wearing yourself thin from giving your all with clients. You may also feel uncomfortable discussing your fees with potential clients, so you ask for too little. As a result, they might not be as committed to making the transformation you offer as you thought which adds to your energy drain.

We will coach you through the process of identifying the value that you offer and how to communicate the unique outcome or transformation that you provide. We will also help you identify your ideal client who is ready and willing to make the transformation that you provide.

When we have discovered these things, we will help you package it so that your clients are paying for the transformation you provide, not the hours you work for them. This is one of the best ways to feel more confident when talking with prospects, differentiate your business, and increase your perceived value.

Once you can articulate the specific results you deliver and can track the progress towards these objectives, these measured results will earn you client loyalty and new business referrals. They will also earn you the right to charge higher fees. You will feel valued for your expertise and your clients will feel committed to making the transformation!

 Offer Strategy Sessions

“We will help you turn interested prospects into invested clients on-the-spot by walking you through how to create a powerful Strategy Session.”


If your Strategy Sessions are more like coaching sessions and you feel like you are turning less prospects into clients than you think you should, chances are that you are not giving your prospects a clear path forward towards the transformation they were hoping for.

We will help you turn interested prospects into invested clients on-the-spot by walking you through how to create a powerful Strategy Session. You will learn how to tap into their pain, help them imagine new possibilities and offer a solution to get them there while helping them decide if that solution is a good fit for them.

Your prospects will end the Strategy Session feeling fully committed to their decision to work with you and fully invested in making the transformation you offer.

Sell Your Coaching Package from the Stage

“Speaking is one of the quickest and most effective ways to market your business.”

If you are like most authors, speakers and coaches, you are probably anxious to get out there and speak about what you love, but you have no idea where to start. Or maybe, whenever you speak you hear “Wow, I love what you said, and I’ll for sure have to work with you one of these days.”

Speaking is one of the quickest and most effective ways to market your business. So why is it such a struggle to actually sell anything? Maybe you have even taken speaking courses before, and when you try and follow what they teach you, you feel inauthentic. But when you speak from your heart, you make zero sales. You long to be able to make money while also contributing to and connecting with your audience.

If any of this rings true for you, then I’d like to invite you to work with me. I will take you by the hand and personally walk you through creating a Signature Talk that effortlessly sells your coaching package or product without you feeling “salesy”.

We will help you:

  • Significantly increase your back-of-the-room sales
  • Add speaking to your marketing mix
  • Create a line of excited customers at your back table ready to purchase


In just a few weeks, you’re going to walk away with:

  • How to create hunger and desire in your audience without pressuring them at all
  • How to craft your introduction so you gain instant credibility with your audience and gain their trust quickly
  • What to do if you’re asked to speak but told you can’t sell
  • A signature talk you love


You will know how to be paid well for doing what you love from the stage.

Sell Your Coaching Package Online

“Learning how to sell your coaching package or product online is the quickest way to leverage your expertise without leaving your home.”


If you’ve been able to create a full practice, serving clients one-on-one, chances are that you are exhausted. You’d like to cut down on your workload, but if you aren’t working with clients, you aren’t making any money. You’d love to make money “in your sleep” – not just to free up your time but also so you won’t be vulnerable to the ups and downs of client work.

Or maybe you have created a business that is designed around flying all over the place speaking or consulting and you are sick of it. You’re ready to grow a business around your life, rather than always sacrificing your life for your business.

Learning how to sell your coaching package or product online is the quickest way to leverage your expertise without leaving your home.


We will walk you through a “plug-and-play” system that will help you:

  • Get prospective buyers on a teleseminar or webinar
  • Craft a signature talk that inspires your ideal clients to say “yes” on-the-spot in a way that doesn’t feel salesy, pushy or manipulative
  • Put together an irresistible offer that completely resonates with your ideal market so they want to invest in your coaching package
  • Create a follow up system to turn “maybes” into “buyers”


You will know how to be paid well for doing what you love online through teleseminars or webinars.